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Sunday, December 18, 2011
If your like me, and you have only bought one present for someone.. and you have a week to get all of your presents, here are some store ideas to save you time at the mall.

-Forever 21

BOYS (just guessing here)
-Hot Topic
-i dont knowwww

-5 Below

So thats either extremely helpful, or not helpful at all :) Its been a long time no post so I didn't really know what to say xD

I hope everyone enjoys their Christmas!
Monday, December 5, 2011
We all <3 watching holiday movies, riiiite? Sooo, I'm hear to name some:

Baha, there's always the classic Rudolph the red-nose reindeer. Had a very shiny nose.

Home alone is a pretty good one. Daww you gotta love this boy^

Muhaha I love this one. HILARIOUS. Hardy har har.

Polar express. One of my all-time favorites. Although that boy looks kinda creepy^

So whatcha waiting for? Pop some popcorn, curl up on the couch, and watch some movies!

Sunday, December 4, 2011
So...this blog is kinda dieing, cuz for one, I can't post every single day now. Sorry if you get BOREEEED. And I was busy putting THIS up:

Beautiful, eh? :'D

Naw jaykay. It's the holidays! I've been watching movies, stuffing myself, yanno. So sorry if you don't see me on cho or TFM.

Saturday, November 26, 2011
Who is Cara Hartmann you ask? You probably know her:

Yep, shes the cooky cat lady. Haha, shes really an actress/comedian (obviously a good one) and I found another video by her, thats soo funny so here it is!:

*You have to watch the WHOLE thing!

For those who didn't watch it I won't give you a summary cuz its a 2 minute video, so just watch it okay??
Her youtube is 'hartmanncara' she has lots of funny videos awaiting you!

Das all for now!
Friday, November 25, 2011
If you've logged onto .net, you've noticed a few changes. First of all, there's a new login screen

You can also buy citizenship now

Well, it's a better deal than .com's. I wonder where the money is going..

They also switched to the new UI. You can't play with the old one anymore

These changes are cool and all...but I kinda want the old chobots back

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Lots of people are already talking about Black Friday. Personally, I think it just takes the fun out of Thanksgiving, cuz people are just lining up at stores then...


Well, if you want to go there, have fun.


P.S. Kohl's did a HILARIOUS parody on Rebecca Black's "Friday" Song. Click HEREEEEE...(btw it's A REAL commercial)
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Sorry I haven't posted in a long time...

ANYWAYZZZ...we've all heard the "Coke v.s. Pepsi", haven't we?

But the real question is, what is YOUR favorite pop?

 Personally, I think sprite, 7up, bla blah all those pops are the exact same thing (lemon lime).

Coca Cola is always crisp, fresh, and really tasty. What do you think?

Pepsi is okay, I don't really like the taste of it. But if you do...well that's your opinion.

Dr Pepper is an old favorite. Personally, I think it tastes the same as Coca Cola, but that's just me.

Have root beer, y'all. Root beer is one of my favorites, but it tastes really nasty when it gets flat.

As for diet pops, I can't really tell the difference.

Comment your favorite pop! Also comment if I missed any (not really weird brands, tho)

Monday, November 14, 2011
So I haven't been logging onto Chobots or Transformice as often as I used to. This is because of school work, mostly. But there is also something very important.

I have carpal tunnel, something that has to do with muscles in the hands and wrists, caused by playing video games or using the computer. I won't be logging on as much to reduce my risk of this getting more severe (like having to have surgery). But I want to make one thing clear:

No, I am not. I'm just not gonna log on as much. Maybe every other day or so.



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