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Thursday, August 18, 2011
If you look on the login page on Transformice, you will see there is a new button!

This will change the language of the page. If you click "Change" this list will show up.

Awesome! They will probably add more flags later on.

And if you click on your friends list, their flag will show up by their name, as well as what room you're in. Check it out!



Anonymous said...

Hey im sozzz! If i delete the magazine can we be pals? Please cmon =) im SOZZ

Vasa12345 said...

...well, considering you called me a baby, i'm not sure if i should let this go. i mean, comon. i did a whole post on you. alright, if you post on YOUR blog that you copied shrinkified photos and my monthly magazine, and delete everything associated to them, i guess it's still cool.

Anonymous said...

Sorry =) Friends? Cool =) Can u follow my blog for my 170th follower and i will be ur 50th. Sorry im serious i didnt mean to sometimes i get a wittle angry =( Fwiends?

Vasa12345 said...

haha its cool thanks for apologizing. and yeah, thanks for following! ive already followed your blog durhur.

Anonymous said...

Haha cool. You got any comps? Comp for a comp which means i enter urs and u enter mine. Cool !

Vasa12345 said...

na i dont have any comps going but u can make one and i'll enter cuz im pretty bored...

lynette said...

Cool ^.&

Garrisonsensei11 ಠ_ಠ said...

When was I in Vanilla3? Derp

Garrisonsensei11 ಠ_ಠ said...

When was I in Vanilla3? Derp


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