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Saturday, August 13, 2011
I'll be adding new stuff to this blog since it's not really based on chobots anymore (but I'm keeping the banners) So you like our new header? I tried to base it on what this blog is really about, art, reality, and TRANSFORMICE!


Art: Hey..I drew this picture of a sundae! Lollyxpop suggested a smoothie but that turned out looking like a piece of crap. And yes, I know my sundae looks like fat colourful pancakes.

Reality: School starts the 16th for me. I went to the store and got a hot new pair of jeans. And I'm going swimming tomorrow! Last time of the summer :'(

Transformice: I've earned the totem! :D Plus I want the "Sexy" title so bad.

-Vasa12345 =^.^=


♫☼Lollyxpop☼♫ said...

Hehe, nice sundae!
On Transformice I'm lucytail


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