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Monday, August 8, 2011
Gosh, I'm freaking out right now. CHOBOTS IS CLOSED DOWN? TAKE A LOOK

(If you want to see the post click HERE)

Why did the team have to give up? Couldn't they try to improve their security system? It's just like they gave up on what they spent 2 and a half years on.

Cho is was my life. I loved it with all my heart and played it up to 10 hours a day. We contributed so much to chobots! Now that its shut down...

No more drawings by Guguzi
No more contests
No more CMV'S
I'd just like to name some people that made a big impact to me

Allstar0014 - Even though shortly after you became an agent you didn't show up as online, you were a great friend to me!

xFruityLoopyx - You rock! You were always a good friend and cheered me up.

ShrinkyGirl - You made the smile on my face even bigger when I saw you were online.

Julz - You know you're amazing Julz! It was fun talking to you.

Twolegers - Ahh Twolegers you were a good friend! You always made me laugh

Alexa555 - Alexa you always looked on the bright side and helped everyone out :D

Lackygirl123 - LACKERZ! You were my bestie 24/7 and you always will be! Dont forget that!

Ron810 - You were always a good friend Ron, and you know it.

Anybody else know they're on my friend list? I could make a comment about you :D This post will be on top until Chobots is fixed so if you want more posts scroll down.

Think about everything we must end! Blogging, making CMV'S, contests, you know. All trackers are down.

Monthly magazines will be postponed until, and IF, chobots starts up again.
I can't draw any .com or pet drawings, only .in. Speaking of .in, I guess it's the only thing we have now? Lets try to make it good.


Only a few pics of all the parties we used to have.

Do you remember the good old times? Even though I'm only 430 days old I do. Remember when there used to be rain? Remember when we used to party hard with all the other mods? Remember when everything used to be NORMAL?

It's just a bummer that chobots is down. Pray that it will return soon? Thanks ^_^



♫☼Lollyxpop☼♫ said...

Haha those pictures almost made me tear up.
I'll miss Chobots blogs. Like no other website would have blogs about it like Chobots. I wonder what I will do with mine now that Chobots gone.. Maybe I'll start a new one o.e
I guess I never thought that Chobots would shut down while I was still on it. I guess we all have no choice but to quit. I'll still check the main blog, my blogger dashboard, and defiantly pray chobots will be up and running soon :)

♫ Ituna♫ said...

Those pictures made me cry.
I missed like all of it.

cheesepuff said...

I'm so sad about this all. I'll miss everyone of you guys.

Anthony said...

Loooollllyyyyy.. I hope you still remember me. ;(


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