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Thursday, August 4, 2011
You know Guccigirl? Yeah, the one that had virtual you-know-what.

Well she's copied a majority of things for her blog. Two things in particular that really bug me. Shrinkified photos and my monthly magazine.

First of all, about the Shrinkified photos. Here's her 'idea' of one.

Yup, Shrinkified photos are 100000000x better than that.

 Look at this comment.

Who cares if you called them "Gucciiics" or whatever? It's still the same idea. Well check THIS out

GUCCIFIED! HA! THAT PROVES THAT YOU STOLE IT. Even if you don't believe me, I asked Fruity herself if she or shrinky gave permission.

Uh huh. That proves she stole Shrinkified photos without permission. Now about the magazine...take a look at the comment again.

WHO CARES IF IT'S A NAIL MAGAZINE? It's still the same idea, and you know it. Face the fact. To see her 'magazine' click HERE

Yeah, she keeps deleting my comments to try to hide the evidence. WELL YOU KNOW WHAT I SAY? SPAM COMMENTS!! AHAHAH.

Naw, you may think this isn't big of a deal. Well think about this.

Say you came up with a BRILLIANT idea for your blog. Would you want someone stealing that idea? NO!



P.S. If you have an idea stolen, please tell us!
P.P.S. CHECK OUT OUR NEW FAVICON! My head haha. If you're on a .tk site, click here to view it.


xFruityloopyx said...

her magazines suck

Anonymous said...

I had permission off shrinky she even told me. And i dont care cuz ur just acting like a little kid!

Vasa12345 said...

nope you didn't have permission. and if you dont care..maybe I SHOULD STEAL SOME OF YOUR IDEAS? HUH? HOW WOULD YOU LIKE THAT?

Lillie124 said...

I personally hate guccis blog.One because she stills ideas and two because she never answer peoples comments.

Lillie124 said...

Vasa add me on cho im Lillie124.

Vasa12345 said...

srry presley im full

☼♫Lollyxpop♫☼ said...

Gucci, why would you even make them if you had to ask permission? Would it feel wayy better to think of something yourself?

Anonymous said...

anyway i dont care that u added three aaa to vasaaa.tk and i have gucciii.tk HAHAHA i dont care wut r u trying to mock me? i have a life and dont care wut the hell u do

Vasa12345 said...

GUCCI GO FUCK OFF. I added vasaaa.tk because clubpengi accidently put vasaaa.tk on a banner instead of vasaa.tk (which i dont mind) gosh its not a big deal with all this .tk shit.

Rosey2000 said...

HAHA wow gucci your such an idiot xP



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