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Thursday, September 8, 2011
Okay, I coudn't post or be on Transformice for a few days cuz there was a wasp in my bedroom. Here's the story...

I was playing on my laptop when I hear this buzzing sound...then look up to see what it is. A WASP IS IN MY ROOM! Breathing hard, I slowly backed out of the room and slammed the door shut. I waited overnight (had to sleep in my mom's bed...) and then checked in the morning. There was no sign of the wasp. But when I got home from school and went into my room, there he was. I ran out and yelled "HE'S BACK! HE'S BACK!" Then while I was sitting in the kitchen, I hear another buzzing sound. The wasp was right by the vent. Luckily, I had a guard with me. My cat was batting at the critter (so brave :')) and totured him to the point where he could barely move. But just a couple minutes ago my mom found the wasp and hammered him dead, threw him outside, never to be seen again :D (Unless, of course, there are multiple wasps in this house...)
If that didn't put a picture in your head, here.

Scary shiz, huh?


P.S. As you might have noticed, the header we have right now sucks. Got any ideas?


♫☼Lollyxpop☼♫ said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "HES BACK HES BACK!"

seashell said...

maybe u should make a contest saying make a header than u pick the 1 u like best and make it ure header ;D

Lauren said...

I agree with Seashell :3

Vasa12345 said...

eh this blog isn't that popular i dont think we should have a contest quite yet :]

seashell said...

okay ;D

Kelly Lynch, Chapel Hill, TN said...

I once got stung in the knee when i was 4. :(
Also my friends were playing hide and seek and i hid in my playhouse outside and a wasp stung me :(((((


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