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Wednesday, August 31, 2011
You know those commercials where they have this item that sounds so great but when you order it you realize it's a piece of crap? Well I'm here to warn you about this stuff.

Happy Nappers

Alright, they totally copied the idea of Pillow Pets, and Pillow pets are way better than this junk. Why would you want to stuff your animal inside a house? Wouldn't you want to see it? And whenever the stupid commercial comes on, its annoying little song plays. Don't waste your money on this.

Touch and Brush
My mom bought this at a store and we tried it out. Totally useless. First of all, the toothpaste that you put in there clogs up and gets all sticky. Second, the suction cups barely stick. It falls off the wall each time you try to stick your toothbrush in there. Don't buy this. Just squeeze the toothpaste on.

Big Top Cupcake
Alright, first of all, that cupcake was made by a professional. No ordinary mom could make that with the frosting and everything. Second, either you eat a normal size cupcake or just make a frikkin cake. Third, how would you even eat this? Carving out big chunks with your hands? The sight of this personally makes me want to vomit, mostly because I hate huge amounts of frosting.

Perfect Brownie Pan
Have you ever heard of Consumer Reports? It's a magazine-type thing where it tells you what products are good and what aren't. Well I saw this in there and it said the Perfect Brownie Pan bakes brownies unevenly. And trust me, Consumer Reports never gets something wrong. So don't try to buy this, unless you want mushy brownies.

Any more products you have questions on? Feel free to comment!



♡angelica♡ said...

my mom's friend's daughter has a pillow pet AND I AGREE WITH YOU PILLOW PETS ARE AMAZING.

and i've always wanted the touch 'n' brush..

Kelly Lynch, Chapel Hill, TN said...

i once got a fur berry for christmas because they were cute and i wanted one so badly. and the ad said when you hugged or kissed it it would open! i did that and it wouldnt open! it was broken or it needed batteries or maybe it was just a piece of crap that needed to be fixed :/ i gave it to one of my friends. also i had to keep forcing it open which was SUPAH tough. arghhhhhh!!!

Anonymous said...

Hehe, I have a penguin pillow pet :D THEY ROCK >:D

You know that slushie magic crap or whatever they advertise? Total BS. Needs no explanation at all >_>

Rosey2000 said...

pillow pets are WAYYYY better then the happy nappers crap. and also i saw a commercail that was so stuiped.. its called "slushie magic" such a waste of money.. -.- all it is are two stuiped ice cubes...


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