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Sunday, August 28, 2011
Hey guys! Have you ever heard of Pandanda? It's a pretty cool game and you never get bored on it!

So yeah...it looks like a kiddy game. Don't most of the virtual worlds? Just give it a try! I'll start blogging about it and then you tell me how you feel about it.
(Thanks xFruityLoopyx for showing me Pandanda!)



Kathleen said...

hey vasa! do you remember me from .com? its kmorganlynch! we used to be pretty good friends. and i used to play that game btw. its not too bad!the music and nice and so is the animation. please respond to me in comments! if you dont remember me could we be friends on chobots.in? you seem really nice :)

Vasa12345 said...

hey morgan :) i think i remember u a litte! i don't go on .in much but if you have a pandanda account i'd definatly add you there!

Kathleen said...

i used to but i like .in better! i have a blog and i play transformice, cp and chobots! i also play fantage but it stinks and sometimes lies. it said santa was visiting every hour. i waited an hour and came there and he wasnt there! fantage stinks. no offense if u play it. i only get on when im SUPER BORED. also im having an author contest on blog if u wanna join! you must write a story in comments and whoevers story is the best wins the author contest! would u like to enter or be a follower? if ur my author u can really help me :) thx!
p.s if u respond ill post my blog name for u.

Kathleen said...

oh and also do u play roblox? if u do you should post up stuff about it :)

seashell said...

vasa pandanda looks like a cool virtual world! ;D

Vasa12345 said...

@kathleen no i dont play roblox due to the fact that you have to download it.

Kathleen said...

you really should! its fun because ppl make different stages. you can go from shooting to roleplays to tycoons to obbys! anywho do u think i could become an author? your very nice and my friend brooke isnt having any contests right now. i bet though the answers gonna be "your gonna have to wait for the next contest" cause my friend brooke ALWAYS says that :(

Vasa12345 said...

got a blog kathleen? i need to see the posts u make to see if they're good.

Kelly Lynch, Chapel Hill, TN said...

i post on ALOT of stuff. i post on cp and chobots.in and drawings on chobots. and sometimes on my cat! also i post whats been going on in real life. i think i would make a wonderful author on ur blog! :) the blog address is kmorganlynch.blogspot.com i hope you like it! :)

Vasa12345 said...

Hey kathleen, ur blog is great! altough you dont use pics in every one of your posts, and sometimes your posts are reaaally short. and sometimes you dont use capatilazation. but other than that, ur blog is great! maybe you can impress me with more fabulous posts with pictures and capatilazation! :)

Kathleen said...

Sorry! I sometimes have to write quickly cause i sometimes update in school mornings :P and i gotta hurry and finish it. (Also do u like how i put something funny for my signiture?) I dont use caps all the time. But ill try hard to use caps and try to put more pictures on my posts. Thx for the blog tips!

Vasa12345 said...

hey kathleen! im glad u understand about blogging and stuff, some people get like rlly mad when i tell them a no for authorship. i'll continue to look at ur posts and decide if u get author or not :D

Kathleen said...

Thx Vasa!Im sensitive but i dont have anger issues. But if someone calls me shorty or a nerd (because im short and i wear glasses and i am gifted) thats when i get upset or mad. Btw did u see my new post about wacky product warnings? My comments on it r so funny :)

Rosey2000 said...

oh cool! i've been playing pandanda for awhile now and now since you playing can i ask for your user just incase we meet i can add you! if you want :D my user is icey48 ^.^

Kathleen said...

Hey Vasa! I need a blogging tip. How do u put those bars below ur header? Like the things that say drawings and banners for u and stuff. Thx!

Vasa12345 said...

hey kathleen! those are called pages. to change where ur pages are, drag the gadget under the header :]

Kathleen said...

Ok thank ya! Im trying to update my blog and stuff so i wanna make it really nice! Also one more question, did you use photo shop for ur backround? cause i want a really nice one :)


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