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Thursday, August 25, 2011
So first of all, Chobots is shut down. Yeah, I'm slow. THANK YOU GONORRHEA! Here's a definition I found on google.

Noun: A venereal disease involving inflammatory discharge from the urethra or vagina.
BAHAHA WTF. Anyway, have you seen THIS video? (Make sure you turn the sound up to hear the screams!)
(If it's not playing, click HERE)

I nearly cried watching this video. How could you do that to a little child? I mean, yeah, he pulled a card. JUST SPANK HIM OR SOMETHING! And did you hear him? He knew when he got in trouble he got a shower and hot sauce. SO HE'S GOTTEN IT BEFORE? The kid's only 7 years old. 7 YEARS! Do you think she just did this for publicity? Maybe she was acting? Well the kid wasn't. He has been SCARRED FOR LIFE. Her daughter filmed it.

Alright...moving on...

There's a hurrincane about to hit the West Coast. TAKE SHELTER! Ah, it's only a category 3...well, still pretty strong.

(Pic from some site I googled)

Wooh that looks strong! Stay safe kids! Peace out.



seashell said...

oh i saw that video on yahoo while i was about to login

♫☼Lollyxpop☼♫ said...

It is awful- that mom is sick!
And its the east coast- lol!
Its gunna hit me this weekend 0.o scarrrrry!

♡angelica♡ said...

ohmigod. my mom, sister, and i watched this video... this is cruel punishment. all he did was have pencil fights and wiggle around in his chair. EVERY 7 year old does that. she needs to go to rehab.

Anonymous said...

OMG she is stupid i hate that mother that is just cruel =(

Kathleen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathleen said...

thats just sick. some ppl these days :(

Kathleen said...

i removed that post earlier cause i thought i was yelling too much in that post but still that woman should be put in jail for treating a little kid like that. my dad once put hot sauce in my bros mouth but only like a drop NOT THE ENTIRE BOTTLE >:(


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