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Sunday, August 7, 2011
*clears throat*

Everything is a wreck. Basically all mods of .com stopped working. No updates or contests, just SU maddness. I heard some chobots were made mods/agents? About 5 minutes later...de-agent/de-modded. Yeah, .com is a hacker city.

.in is a wreck. Although it was fun, everyone was begging for rain and parties, mods/agents were made at age 0, you know the rest. No, I won't be a noob and quit, but I'm not gonna log on very much.

Wanna escape to a place where there are actually MODS RUNNING THE TOWN? .de is your place ;D 
Enter the contests that don't require any typing (drawing contests) My best bet would be to go on fairly early because I think in germany (or wherever) its like 6 hours ahead. Later in the day all the english folks will be on. Who cares of you don't speak german? Not me. I can say like 4 words in german and that's it. Google translate fails so just find someone that speaks english. Most germans know a bit english anyway.

Well, here's the little translation between english and geman that I know.

hallo = hello/hi
ja = yes
nein = no
freunde = friend(s)
gut = good

Yeah that's just the basics.

While I was posting this lots of things happened.

I GOT GIFTED FIRE BOOTS BY A MOD (idk if it was a hacker) ON .DE! YEAAAAH!

But if a legit mod asks where I got them...and they ask for me to delete them...I better because I don't wanna get in trouble LMAO I'm a scaredy cat.

Some noob hacker with the panel banned me...

WAHH GUYS NOW THAT I'M BANNED I'M QUITTING FOREVER!!! C U GUYS LATER CUZ I'M NEVER GETTING ON ANY CHOBOTS AGAIN!!! Haha just kidding I got unbanned like a second later. But while I was banned so many things went through my head...

(If you're wondering where the beta scarf was from, someone with the panel added the santa quest)

Anyway now that I'm in love with .de I'm making this blog a .de blog also! So if you see a bunch of german words don't bother reading. And for all you german folks...

Ich werde mit Google Translate auf alle meine Beiträge so ist es nicht meine Schuld, dass es schlechte Grammatik ist!




Anonymous said...

Plus ghoni linked the panel which makes this matter worse. Oh and here are some more german words/ phrases for .de

*Ja mir zu- Yes, me too
*Wo ist der moderator?- Where is the moderator?
*Weggehen dumm hacker!- Go away stupid hackers! xD
*Du bist mir angst- You are scaring me
*kuchen- pie
*doppelter regenbogen- double rainbow! xD
*mein deutsch ist nicht gut- My german is not good.
*Ich bin englisch- I am english

Hope it helps a bit :S I want the hackers to leave D:

Vasa12345 said...

thanks 8D it helps alot


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